Official online event 2022

Women & Duchenne

Every year, during the World Duchenne Awareness Day, we highlight important topics for the Duchenne community. This year the theme is Women and Duchenne. During the online event, all aspects relevant to Duchenne and the Female world will be analyzed:

  • Carriers: genetic and clinical aspects
  • Care considerations for female carriers
  • Mothers as primary caregiver
  • Girls living with Duchenne
  • Spouses and girlfriends
  • Female family member network of support
  • Women in science
  • Female international advocacy leaders

Learn more on this year’s theme. Download the materials and learn how to support the actions here.

World Duchenne Awareness Day – Online event

The online event will be held on September 7th at 15:00 CEST. The event is free, accessible through YouTube and no registration is needed.