Education is essential for Duchenne families because it allows them to fully understand the disease, treatment options, and resources available to manage it. Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a complex condition that requires a multidisciplinary approach, and being well-informed empowers families to make conscious decisions for the well-being of their loved ones. Knowing about scientific advances, therapies, and support strategies improves patients’ quality of life and reduces the isolation and anxiety associated with the disease.
Community building, on the other hand, is crucial because it helps families create a network of mutual support. Through sharing experiences and solidarity, families not only find comfort but also succeed in raising awareness, gathering funds, and promoting research. A strong community is a source of strength and hope, a place where families can feel understood, supported, and united in the same mission.
The Stronger together project follows these two paths through specific educational actions such us meetings and contents.
The project is supported by Sarepta, PTC, Roche, Biomarin, Solid and Italfarmaco.